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Thomas couldn’t believe what he found in the room. He knew very well the girl who was supposedly going to make him spend a good time. She was the young Carlota. “It can’t be possible”, he thought.

- What are you doing here?- asked the detective without believing his eyes.

- Close the door! - shouted the girl - Let me explain you everything. - said Carlota very nervous.

He obeied her and repeated:

- What’re you doing here?

- There are lot of things you don’t know about me. I lied to you in the interrogation. - confessed Carlota.

- I hear you.

- It’s been a long time since Jana and I met Natalie. At first everything was perfect. She was older than us and she took us to discotheques, gave us alcohol and introduced us good-looking boys. We loved being her friend. We didn’t suspect what was going to come next. After the alcohol, the drugs came. Initially we had the necessity of having drugs whenever we went out, later we got to the point where we had to consume drugs everyday. Natalie created us that need. She had a plan.

Thomas was paralysed. Then everything had sense. Carlota continued talking:

- At the beginning she invited us to the drugs but after a while, she started to make us pay for them so we had a great debt with her. We had entered a network of which we couldn’t go out. At first, she told us that we only had to be nice with some men and flirt with them and they would buy us drugs in exchange. We believed her, but finally she forced us to be prostituted.

Carlota started crying and finally said:

- Natalie is the hook of a prostitution network.  This is terrible! Everything began as a game and now my friend is dead. I lied to you in the interrogation. I have covered up the dead of my friend... Please, God, forgive me... I’m the one who should be dead.

Thomas interrupted her:

- Wait, what do you know about Jana’s death?

- Jana was ready to tell all the truth that day but I tried to avoid it by going to Limo. That didn’t work ‘cause Natalie was calling her all night long. This fact made her continue with her plan. I warned her a thousand times that Natalie would kill her if she did it but Natalie preceded her… she killed Jana before she told anything to the police. She won. - said trembling with fear.

- And why didn’t you tell me this before?  

- Natalie told me that if I opened my mouth she would do to me the same thing that she did to Jana. - confessed in a shy way.

- And, exactly, what did Natalie explained to you?

- She told me that she was waiting for Jana at the ferry station of Formentera and when she arrived, she pulled her into her car. Inside the car, Natalie gave Jana the dose of cocaine and heroin enough for killing her and she left her dead in her house. She was sure that everybody would think she was a drug addict and she killed herself. This would permit her continue with the network.

- I’m going to call the police. Natalie’s going to rot in prison. You have to come with me and explain them everything you’ve just told me. In five minutes there will be plenty of policemen here and all this is going to finish forever.

- Do me a favour, - begged Carlota without knowing what will happen to her - not for me but for Jana’s family. Give them the diary inside my bedroom’s desk. Jana gave it to me because she knew that something bad would happen to her if she told the truth. Give it to Jana’s family. They deserve to know all the truth. They will find there all the answers.
